homeless man

Removing Tents from Downtown Guelph: The Challenges


Dear Guelph Friends:

As there will be a Special Council Meeting coming up in a couple of weeks on the challenges of tents in downtown, homelessness, drug use, and poverty, I thought I might expedite lengthy question periods at our August 28 Council meeting by asking questions via my website. Please note: I have asked these of Guelph Staff, our Police Services Board Chair and by our Chief.

I am sure these questions are not exhaustive. In fact, I hope I am not the only one having questions. Those of you who attend this meeting and those of you who cannot attend surely are equally as curious about the nuances of what might be accomplished and what the limitations on City, Police and our Service Organization partners including the County might be. Please do not hesitate to contact me or write to Council and perhaps also our city media including Guelph Today and The Guelph Mercury.

Questions regarding August 28 meeting
1. What changes can the community and Council expect to observe downtown and throughout the City effective August 29?

2. Will our bylaw staff be assigned the role and responsibility of issuing tickets/summons for trespassing or otherwise effective August 29? Are there any concerns including Health and Safety concerns with the issuance of tickets or notices? Are there any concerns if a person issued a ticket/summons shows contempt and either discards a ticket/summons or fails either to pay or attend a hearing?

3. How does this bylaw affect non tent dwellers congregating individuals downtown – particularly in St George’s Square and on Quebec St. Will the city be issuing tickets for loitering, vagrancy or anything similar?

4. What is the impact on those assembling outside the Community Health Centre on Woolwich and Wyndham? Is this being made unlawful?

5. What is the impact on those offering food and belonging anywhere on Wyndham St. Will those acting altruistically be constrained in their activities?

6. Is the intent of this bylaw to be permissive re: tents in the city including city parks or is it restrictive? What are some of the limitations or caveats to which we should be alerted?

7. With a permissive bylaw can anyone erect a tent anywhere on city property where there is no programmed activity (for example a park). What if a College/University Student erects a tent to offset a lack of housing for the forthcoming academic year?

8. What role do the police play in all of this? Will the police be empowered to arrest those who are non compliant? What constraints are there on police engagement?

9. Can the Polices Services Board direct the Chief and the Force to take action?

10. What authority does a Court Order have? Is a Court Order required for police activity?

11. I followed the Palestine encampments in Toronto and Montreal and the time it took to have those court orders approved. How long can a Court Order take?

12. Does this bylaw address open drug use and IV drug use? Will the police arrest open drug users? Can these expect to receive a summons to appear in Court? What is the likelihood of a court action?

13. Kingston’s bylaw has never been challenged and I understand no action has been taken by Kingston on those living in tents? Can this be confirmed or refuted?

14. I understand no arrests have been made in Peterborough but police officers merely encourage people to “Move along”. Can this be confirmed?

15. Public Health Ordinances: what public health ordinances already exist that can be used to require “Threats to Public Safety” such as littered needles and feces be cleaned up and if necessary charges laid. Is this not similar to Property Standards and Health requirements in businesses, apartments and houses?

I am sure this list is not exhaustive. I am sure others have other questions.

In peace and community.